
A webring for digital accessibility practitioners

Join this webring

Want to add yourself to this webring? Please:

  1. Read our code of conduct, and then
  2. Follow the contributing directions.

This webring accepts

If you think you belong here, chances are you do!

People of any level of skill or experience in the industry doing accessibility work are welcome. Being listed requires:

  1. An interest in digital accessibility,
  2. A personal website,
  3. A public-facing accessibility statement, and
  4. Using our webring code somewhere on your website.

You can identify as disabled or non-disabled. You can have professional certifications, or none at all. Your area of expertise can be anything: auditing, writing, designing, development, project management, QA, training, etc.

This webring does not accept

This webring is focused on people.

Because of this, it is not interested in listing accessibility companies and professional organizations. If that is something you are looking for, check this list of professional help.

This webring also forbids participation from overlay companies, as well as employees of overlay companies. This is due to overlays’ exploitative, unethical behavior and damaging impact on digital accessibility efforts.

Please refer to our code of conduct for further information about acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

List the webring on your website

  1. Copy and paste the webring code somewhere on your website, and then
  2. Submit a Pull Request to be added.
<nav class="a11y-webring-club" aria-labelledby="a11y-webring-club">
  <h2 id="a11y-webring-club">a11y-webring.club</h2>
  <p>This site is a member of the <a rel="external" href="https://a11y-webring.club/">a11y-webring.club</a>.</p>
    <li><a rel="external" referrerpolicy="strict-origin" href="https://a11y-webring.club/prev">Previous website</a></li>
    <li><a rel="external" referrerpolicy="strict-origin" href="https://a11y-webring.club/random">Random website</a></li>
    <li><a rel="external" referrerpolicy="strict-origin" href="https://a11y-webring.club/next">Next website</a></li>

You can style the presentation of this code to your heart’s content, so long as it is done in an accessible way.

Frequently asked questions

Answers to common questions:

What is a webring?

A webring is a human-curated list of websites organized around a specific topic. This webring is dedicated to people interested in digital accessibility.

Why does this webring exist?

This webring was created as a way to discover people doing good work in the digital accessibility space.

It provides a way for people to discover and learn from each other following the fracturing of Twitter.

What is digital accessibility?

Digital accessibility is the practice of making technology able to be used by disabled people. This includes websites, web apps, native apps, kiosks, e-readers, desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.

What is a11y?

“a11y” is a numeronym, a form of abbreviation that refers to the word “accessibility.” To learn more about this term, check out The A11Y Project’s post, a11y and a brief numeronyms primer.

How do I request changes?

Who made this?

Eric Bailey, with help from Max Böck’s webring project.